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Understanding and Managing AVN and Osteoporosis: A Comprehensive Guide

Rakesh Dudhat

Introduction:Avascular Necrosis (AVN) and osteoporosis are two significant bone conditions that affect millions of people …


Empowering Journalists: Top Tools and Apps for Staying Ahead in News Reporting in 2024

Rakesh Dudhat

In the fast-paced world of journalists, staying informed and up-to-date with the latest news is …

electoral bond

UNRAVELING the Electoral Bond Scam: India’s Largest Financial Controversy

Rakesh Dudhat

Introduction In what’s being called the biggest financial scandal in the history of independent India, …

nimo planet

what is Nimo Planet ?: The Pocket-Sized Spatial Computer

Rakesh Dudhat

Nimo Planet is a company that has developed the world’s first spatial computer designed for …

brain maps

Researchers unveil detailed brain maps in a series of 21 papers released on Thursday.

Rakesh Dudhat

scientists are on a mission to crack the code of this incredible organ. And they’ve …



Understanding and Managing AVN and Osteoporosis: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction:Avascular Necrosis (AVN) and osteoporosis are two significant bone conditions that affect millions of people …


Empowering Journalists: Top Tools and Apps for Staying Ahead in News Reporting in 2024

In the fast-paced world of journalists, staying informed and up-to-date with the latest news is …